Terms and Conditions


$100 deposit due at time of booking. Remaining balance due at time of trip. If a payment is not received or
payment method is declined, the buyer forfeits the trip. If no payment is received, trip will not be booked.


Refund Policy

Deposits are non-refundable except when trips are cancelled by the captain (i.e., unsafe weather conditions).


If a trip is cancelled whether by the customer or by the captain, the customer may apply any funds paid to a
future trip they schedule. For proper credit, the customer will need to book the trip directly with our staff (not
online). Once payment has been processed, the buyer is responsible for payment.


Any complaints may be sent to our support team at [email protected] or (409)247-6502.
There is no guarantee of a resolution. Each case will be looked at individually.

Charter Agreement

By making your deposit, on behalf of the participant(s), you accept the participant(s) are fishing at their own
risk. You further, on behalf of the participant(s), fully and forever release and discharge Shallowater Bay
Adventures, LLC and its agent(s) from any and all liability claims.

Photographic Consent

By making your deposit and/or by participating in the trip, on behalf of the participants, you authorize Shallowater Bay Adventures, LLC to capture and use your photographs and images for advertising, publicity, and other promotional activities. These images may be used in print, digital media, and other electronic forms without restriction. Your participation is voluntary. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting us at [email protected]. Withdrawal will not affect uses already made. This consent applies indefinitely and globally unless specifically withdrawn by you. We commit to handling your images respectfully. You may request access to photographs containing your likeness by contacting us. If under eighteen, this consent must be granted by a parent or guardian.